About the Club
In 1984 a group of women came together because of their shared interest in all things garden-related, from floral arranging to conservation of the unique, Cape Cod, environment. Inspired by the Nauset Indians, who have acted as stewards of the land for centuries, the group of women adopted the name “Nauset Garden Club.

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The Nauset Garden Club educates its members in floral and garden design, horticulture and conservation and inspires the people of our community to value and create sustainable landscapes and conserve our natural resources.
We hold high quality monthly programming, including monthly membership meetings from September to June, all designed to educate and engage our members. We also arrange and sponsor activities designed to engage and/or serve the public, often through collaboration with community partners.

Below are some program and event highlights from the past. But check back often: we’ll post information on upcoming events.

We Design, Educate and Stay Involved in the Community through our Conservation/Environmental and Education Outreach Programs
Our monthly meetings, some of which are open to anyone (SEE PROGRAMS) from September through June, include:
Social time
Club Business Meeting
Horticulture exhibit/competition
Outside speakers floral design, best practices, etc.)
We take occasional field trips to local gardens, nurseries or museums, etc.
Our club is a member of The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, so we can take advantage of a wide variety of educational opportunities.
Our members are a talented and creative group. Our members learn about plant identification, plant habitat and how to exhibit specimens. Pictures above are just a few of the many from our program events.
Our professional designers offer workshops to teach us the elements of good floral design.
Our club encourages involvement and participation in committees currently consisting of Membership, Outreach, Programs, Communication, Finance, Ways and Means and Horticulture.

The Nauset Garden Club is a founding member of the Pollinator Pathway Cape Cod. We joined with nine Cape organizations:
- The Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) ~ Garden Club of Harwich
- The Chatham Conservation Foundation ~ Nauset Garden Club
- Master Gardeners Association of Cape Cod ~ Orleans Conservation Trust
- Orleans Improvement Association (OIA) ~ Orleans Pond Coalition
The Town of Orleans.
The goal is to spread the pathway to all of the towns on Cape Cod
to create a contiguous pathway.
This has been a significant part of our club involvement since our beginning in 1984. Monthly meetings include members participation and also award winning guest speakers to help us learn the rules and elements of design. Our club holds workshops to teach us so that we can compete in regional, state and national flower shows.

Recent studies have shown that gardening is good for your health and we have had a Garden Therapy Committee for many years. The Garden Therapy Committee uses garden related activities, such as nature, birds, and conservation, to provide enjoyable and creative activities for the handicapped (mentally or emotionally disturbed, physically disabled, or elderly) and to encourage each individual to participate to the fullest extent possible.
The Nauset Garden Club is committed to encouraging future generations to preserve and improve our environment and make the world a better and more beautiful place.
Go Green and Protect our Pollinators is a program that offers mini-grants to local educators.
The Club awards two scholarships to permanent residents of Cape Cod or the Islands.