Our Club supports Education
The Nauset Garden Club is committed to encouraging future generations to preserve and improve our environment and make the world a better and more beautiful place.
​​Nauset Garden Club Scholar Award
The Nauset Garden Club is committed to encouraging and educating future generations to preserve and improve our environment and make the world a better and more beautiful place. Our Scholar Award initiative is one of the Club’s strategies focused on this goal.
The purpose of the Scholar Award is to grant an annual individual award of $2,000 to support a rising University of Massachusetts sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in the College of Natural Sciences or the Stockbridge School of Agriculture whose major is related to creating sustainable landscapes or practicing sustainable agriculture and conserving our natural resources. Eligible students must be residents of Cape Cod and the Islands and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above.
The University of Massachusetts oversees this program and the selection of an annual award recipient based on the required criteria.
Inspiring Lower Cape K-12 Students to “Go-Green and Protect our Pollinators”
The Nauset Garden Club Founder’s Pledge -
The Nauset’s planted and gardened, the keepers of this fragile land. They respected life all around them and were thankful for gifts in the sand. We hope to continue this heritage, take nothing for granted with this land.
"We pledge to preserve if we’re able, this air, water, beauty so grand.”
The Nauset Garden Club
has a
“Go Green and Protect Our Pollinators”
mini-grant program.
Mini-Grants in the amount of up to $500.00 and up to $1000.00 are offered annually, by the Nauset Garden Club, to K-12 public school educators in our regional system...Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro, and Wellfleet. We have awarded thirty-three deserving programs over the last six years.
The purpose of this community outreach program is to give teachers and their students the opportunity to do projects that will inspire a life-long love and respect for our environment and our planet while also encouraging creativity, critical thinking and open-mindedness in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for the future.
Please download your Mini-Grant application HERE and email the completed application to Melissa Brown at, missiebrown121@gmail.com no later than November 1, 2024.

Articles and Information
Beloved hydrangeas are a familiar sight in gardens and landscapes throughout the United States. Though many popular hydrangeas originate from Asia, there are several species that call the United States home. Our latest trial evaluated three closely related species of hydrangea that are native to the eastern United States — Hydrangea arborescens, Hydrangea cinerea, and Hydrangea radiata and their related cultivars. To Read the full report click below